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An Earthly Experience

Kosdown was proud to partner with the BBC and Wild Republic Australia to produce a range of enviro-friendly event merchandise to support the BBC Earth Experience. The Earth Experience is a fully-immersive audio visual experience, which is touring for the first time ever outside the UK to visit Melbourne.

For an insight into the process and the collaboration between Kosdown and the BBC/Wild Republic, check out the video below which features a chat with Kosdown director David Downie. David explains how Kosdown’s certification with the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) over 15 years ago was a key factor in the partnership. The FSC chain of custody certification documents the use of paper stock from forest source right through to the consumer, and demonstrates why as an early adopter Kosdown is committed to best practice sustainable printing.

The BBC Earth Experience is a journey through the natural world and explores the unique diversity of our seven continents on an epic scale. It features narration by David Attenborough and showcases breathtaking footage and music from the BBC television series ‘Seven Worlds, One Planet’, projected onto multiple 360o digital screens. The transformative audio visual experience makes visitors feel as if they’ve stepped right into the natural world, still right in the heart of Melbourne.

Visitors will find the full range of Kosdown event merch in the gift shop after walking through the Experience. Kosdown produced and printed items – including post cards, greeting cards, note books and calendars, together with the outer gift packaging – in-house at our Port Melbourne factory. Collaborating with Wild Republic in the production process meant that Kosdown was able to use our industry knowledge and expertise to source recycled materials that, in some cases, improved on the European-produced versions to make them even more sustainable.

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BBC Earth Experience 3
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